Keep SSH Connected

There is always one issue that bothers me when using SSH to access server (e.g. EC2) which is that the ssh connection can disconnect very soon. I tried to make changes in the local ssh config: ~/.ssh/config

Host remotehost
	ServerAliveInterval 50

Then do a permission change

chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config

However, this doesn’t work for me on Mac, and I don’t know why. :(

Then I tried to make changes on server side. In /etc/ssh/sshd_config, add or uncomment the following lines:

ClientAliveInterval 50
ClientAliveCountMax 10

Then restart or reload SSH server to help it recognize the configuration change

sudo service ssh restart  # for ubuntu linux
sudo service sshd restart  # for other linux dist

Finally, log out and try to login again


This time it works! :)

Adding SSH Public Key to Server

Adding ssh public key to server sometimes can make the connections eaiser. The command is simple:

cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh -i "my-keypair.pem"  ubuntu@myserver 'cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'