
Kubernetes, also known as “k8s”, is an open source platform solution provided by Google for scheduling and automating the deployment, management, and scaling of containerized applications. Kubernetes has the ability of scheduling and running application containers on a cluster of physical or virtual machines. In managing the applications, the concepts of ’labels’ and ‘pods’ are used to group the containers which make up an application. Currently, it supports Docker for containers.

gopher dataset
kubernetes architecture, image from [1]

Pod is a type of abstraction on top of container. Deployment defines the pod. Deployment is used for stateless apps and StatefulSet is used for stateful apps or database. KubeCTL talks with API server to create components or delete components, in other words configuring the cluster. More about this basics is here

Basic Operations

To find out all the pods, using the following command

kubectl get pods 
kubectl get pods | grep username 
kubectl get pods -n my_namespace_name  # get pod understand a 

# get all the nodes
kubectl get nodes

# get services
kubectl get services

# create deployment. (blueprint of pod)
kubectl create deployment my_pod_name --image=my_image
kubectl get deployment
kubectl delete deployment deployment_name

# Log into the pod
kubectl exec -it my_pod_name -- /bin/bash

# describe a pod
kubectl describe pods
kubectl describe Pod my_pod

# delete a pod
kubectl delete Pod my_pod_name

To get all the containers running the pod, using the following command

kubectl get pods my_pod_name -o custom-columns=',CONTAINERS:.spec.containers[*].name'
kubectl describe pod my_pod_name  -n my_namespace_name
# To get ip. The ip can be used to launch distributed runs.
kubectl get pod my_pod_name --template '{{.status.podIP}}'

View logs of job running in the pod

kubectl logs my_pod_name
kubectl logs -f my_pod_name # similar to attach
kubectl attach my_pod_name  # works with tqdm 

Deploy a k8s job

# deploy
kubectl apply -f ./job.yaml

# delete
kubectl delete -f ./job.yaml

# describe
kubectl describe -f ./job.yaml

When we want to delete kubernetes created resources, it’s important to remember the dependencies of the resources. For instance, to delete a fsx app, we have to do the following in order

kubectl delete pod --all
kubectl delete pvc --all
kubectl delete pv --all

We can use kubectl to copy files to/from the pod. Be careful that your container may not support ~ this kind of path expansion.

kubectl cp src_file_path pod:dest_file_path

To use rsync is not that straightforward, I’m using the tool from here.

# save the file as krsync, and put it to /usr/bin, and chmod +x to the file


if [ -z "$KRSYNC_STARTED" ]; then
    export KRSYNC_STARTED=true
    exec rsync --blocking-io --rsh "$0" $@

# Running as --rsh

# If use uses pod@namespace rsync passes as: {us} -l pod namespace ...
if [ "X$pod" = "X-l" ]; then
    namespace="-n $1"

exec kubectl $namespace exec -i $pod -- "$@"

Then use the following command to sync files. Note that you have to install rsync on the pod.

krsync -av --progress --stats src-dir/ pod:/dest-dir

# with namespace
krsync -av --progress --stats src-dir/ pod@namespace:/dest-dir

To make it easier to use, we can add the following to the .zshrc file

function krsync_watch_and_sync_to {
        fswatch -o . | xargs -n1 -I{} krsync -av --progress --stats *(D)  $1

Sometimes we have to change file ownership. Check out more here

chown -R 33:33 /data/uploads

When we want to log into multiple pods, we can use the following command:

xpanes -c "kubectl exec -it {} -- /bin/bash " $(kubectl get pods | grep my_pod_prefixes | cut -d" " -f1 | tr '\n' ' ')


AWS has managed kubenetes service called EKS.

# create a basic cluster
eksctl create cluster
eksctl create cluster -f ./my_eks.yaml

# get details of a cluster
eksctl get cluster --name="my_cluster_1" --region="us-west-2"


[1] Setting up a Kubernetes cluster using Docker in Docker