Diffusion is the process where we gradually convert a know distribution into a target distribution and the corresponding reverse process. Fortunately, people have proved that for gaussian distributions, we can convert data to noise and noise to data using the same functional form.
Figure 1. diffusion process
Forward Process
As is shown in the figure above, there are two processes in diffusion:
- Forward diffusion process: we slowly and iteratively add noise to the images
- Reverse diffusion process: we iteratively perform the denoising in small steps starting from a noisy image to convert it back to original form.
In the forward process (diffusion process), in each step, gaussian noise is added according to a variance schedule $ \beta_1, \dotsb, \beta_T $ $$ q_\theta(x_t|x_{t-1}) = \mathcal{N}(x_t; \sqrt{(1-\beta_t)}x_{t-1}, \beta_t\mathbf{I}) $$ And it’s a Markov chain process, so $$ q_\theta(x_{1:T}|x_0) = \prod_{t=1}^{T}q(x_t|x_{t-1}) $$ However, in implementation the above formulation has a problem because doing sequential sampling will result in inefficient forward process. The authors defined the following items: $$ \alpha_t = 1 - \beta_t \\ \bar{\alpha} = \prod_{s=1}^t\alpha_s $$ Then we have $$ q_\theta(x_t|x_0) = \mathcal{N}(x_t; \sqrt{\bar{\alpha}}x_0, (1 - \bar{\alpha_t})\mathbf{I}) $$ This process is called reparameterization. This allows us to directly sample $x_t$ from $x_0$ using a single sample of Gaussian noise:
$$ x_t = \sqrt{\bar{\alpha_{t}}}x_0 + \sqrt{1 - \bar{\alpha_{t}}} \epsilon $$ Here $\epsilon \sim \mathcal{N}(0, I)$. Even though we know the distribution, we don’t know the value the noise. In practice, we use neural network to approximate this noise.
Reparameterization is used on both VAE and diffusion. It’s needed because in diffusion, we have a lot of sampling operation and these operations are not differentiable. We use reparameterization to make it differentiable. Concretely, people introduce a random variable $\epsilon$, then we can sample from any gussian $z \sim \mathcal{N}(z; \mu_{\theta}, \sigma^2_{\theta}\mathbf{I}) $ as follows: $$ z = \mu_{\theta} + \sigma_{\theta} \odot \epsilon ; \epsilon \sim \mathcal{N}(0, \mathbf{I}) $$
Reverse Process
Obviously, in reverse process we denoise the data and recover the images we have originally step by step. In the reverse process, we use the image at time $t$ to predict image at $t-1$, it follows the following distribution $$ p(x_{t-1}|x_{t}) = \mathcal{N}(\frac{1}{\sqrt{\alpha_{t}}}(x_t - \frac{1- \alpha_{t}}{\sqrt{1 - \bar{\alpha_{t}}}} \epsilon); \frac{(1- \alpha_{t})(1 - \bar{\alpha_{t-1}})}{\sqrt{1 - \bar{\alpha_{t}}}}) $$
Everything relates to $\alpha$ is a constant.