2024  4

July  1

PPO and Its Implementation

June  1

Diffusion Probabilistic Models

April  2

Python Pipe in Multiprocessing

Monte Carlo Tree Search

2023  13

December  2

Coder Training

All Gather and Gradients

October  3

Model Evaluation

MoE Models

Retrieval Augmented Generation

June  1

Flash Attention

May  5

Data Processing in Distributed Training

Distributed Optimizer

LoRA Model Fine-tuning

How to Manager Your Career


March  1

ML System

January  1

InstructGPT and ChatGPT

2022  14

December  2

Large Scale Pretraining


August  1

ANTLR Parser Generator

July  1

Parallelism in LLM Training

June  1

Pytorch Multiple-GPU Training

May  7

Distributed Training Infra

Ally – 论朋党

History and Reputation


Tolerence and Freedom

A Walk in the Cloud

Tech & Talents

February  1

LLM Playground

January  1

SSH Connection

2021  5

November  1

Redis scan命令学习

June  4

Add Math Equation in Blog

Docker Commands

EM Algorithm


2020  3

July  1

RL Basics

February  1

Remote Development with VSCode

January  1


2019  1

June  1

Loss in ML

2018  3

February  3


Shell Commands

Using Git to Create a Private Fork

2016  1

May  1

Basics of Web

2015  1

April  1
