About Me
Hi there, this is Jun Wang. Welcome to my website. I'm a programmer. I love programming.
Currently, I’m a Senior Applied Scientist at Amazon. My research focuses on LLMs, foundational model training, machine learning and its applications in natural language processing. I aim to design systems that understand natural language in a way that makes sense to humans. Generally, I’m interested in areas such as semantic parsing, question answering and knowledge representation learning and reasoning, language grounding, and methods insipred by cognitive science.
Opinions are my own and I do not speak for my employer or my team. On this webpage, I'd like to share my study and my paper reading. Feel free to reach out to me if you have any comments/suggestions
In my spare time, I like hiking a lot. I'm also very much into reading books of history, biography etc. Drop me a line if you want to chat more!
All my publications can be found on google scholarProfessional Services
I served as the Amazon Research Award reviewer and was an AC for AMLC conference at Amazon.